Heat Resistance Superalloy (HRSA), such as Inconel (Inconel, Waspaloy, Rene) titanium alloy, is a representative material mainly used in the space/aviation industry as it maintains excellent mechanical and chemical properties at high temperatures of 700~1000℃. These heat-resistant alloys show excellent physical properties such as heat resistance, tensile strength, and corrosion resistance, but they place extreme strain on tools during processing, so they are classified as representative heat-resistant alloys (Difficult-to-cut-materials). In addition, heat-resistant alloys have recently been increasingly used as work materials used in the power generation and oil & gas industries.
These heat-resistant alloys have high work hardening properties and low thermal conductivity, so the heat generated during processing cannot escape through the chip and affects the tool, frequently causing the tool's life to end prematurely due to chipping, welding, and sudden breakage. In order to provide a solution for processing heat-resistant alloys, KORLOY has launched UNC805 and UPC810, new Ultra Coating grades with improved welding resistance, chipping resistance, and wear resistance, and the Super series, which has improved wear resistance and chipping resistance compared to the Ultra series grades.
The Super series turning grades, SNC805 and SPC810, are new premium products for turning that can be applied to Inconel, Waspalloy, Rene, Hastelloy, Heinness, and precipitation hardening stainless steel workpieces.