foundation for growth
technology and the first domestic
production of the hard metal insert.
and introduction of
quality management system
The first company to earn the KS mark and introduction of quality management system , In May 1977, the company held the first QC Circle Competition, in which the achievements of the activities was introduced, with a view to stabilize quality control.
In order to earn the KS mark for the entire hard metal alloy cutting tools portfolio, the company established the standard for the management and the products in January 1977. Through the company-wide preparations and efforts, Korloy earned the KS mark certifications, for the first time in the hard metal alloy cutting tools industry, for 5 standards and 8 items.
improvement of the training system
The HR system of Korloy included the one-wage system, which did not discriminate between office and line workers, equal 600% bonus, and equal promotion opportunities. In September 1976, Korloy received the Presidential Award, being named a Company with an Excellent Welfare Program by Export Promotion Convention.